With the new year upon us, resolutions can be hard to accomplish – especially for businesses. Whatever your resolution may be, changes in your marketing strategies can be a positive step to consider. It can put a fresh spin on gaining more outside interest in your company, and give you the extra push you need to accomplish your goal. In today’s world, there’s a struggle between the choice of using “traditional” and “non-traditional” media.

Whether or not to advertise through a print medium, online advertising, radio advertising, or jump on the band wagon and start posting about your business on Facebook can be a difficult choice.

The question that most people seem to be asking themselves is, “Which is more beneficial?”

Traditional media still reaches the masses while non-traditional has the ability to hone in on your target geographically and behaviorally.

The truth is that both are equally important. There is an emerging trend of businesses using social media and non-traditional media platforms, but traditional media is still valuable, important and resourceful. Combining both options is optimal.

The secret is figuring out which media source reaches your customers specifically.
Each platform serves a different community, so you will need to do some research, and find out what your customers use to receive information.

Due to the variety of platforms available, it’s crucial to understand and acknowledge where they receive their information. Even with this knowledge, marketing can still be daunting and tedious.

At IndiVisual Creations, we’ve had a lot of success for our clients by combining traditional advertising with new media options.  We tailor-make our services to fit each of our clients’ needs, and put our best foot forward to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. We take pride in supplying you with services you can rely on. Give us a call, or visit our website to learn more.

“Traditional vs. Non-Traditional Media”

Social media is similar to starting a new business, and with it comes many obstacles: how to treat your customers, present yourself to the community, and effectively spread the word about what you do and what makes you different from your competitor.

Same as a new business you have to hire a friendly person to work the front counter is a good way to create a welcoming atmosphere.   Your Pages should be just as inviting.  If done correctly, you will begin to build your clients, generate a voice in a online community, and keep your fans coming back.

This might sound easy, but Social Media can be hard to maintain once you get it started.  What to post about and who to build relationships with can be tricky.  Here’s a list of tactics to use to keep your Social Media thriving:

Actively Engage with your Customers:  Don’t post only about your company.  Use interactive ways to promote your business by talking about current events going on in the community, or sharing posts made by others that will generate conversation relevant to your customer”s interests.

Measure your Success:  Track who your followers are, and make sure you are reaching out to the appropriate audience.  Having your message fall on deaf ears is not only frustrating; it’s a waste of time.

Ask for Advice from Others:  Using other people’s strategies to your advantage can really help, and most people are willing to share how they use their Social Media pages.  Getting advice will not only help you, it will let you engage and build stronger relationships in the online community.  After all, social media is a group effort.
Get into a Routine:  Make sure you stay on a schedule.  This gives your fans a time frame for when you will or will not post, which helps keeps things rolling.
At IndiVisual Creations, we provide customized Social Media Packages to fit our customers’ specific needs.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]First of all, no matter what type of business you have, it is valuable to the media. Not only are you going to potentially spend money with them for advertising, but your customers are also an asset, along with what your business offers.

Assign a value to your assets.  This is important when it is time to negotiate your advertising schedules.  Assets include what you can use to leverage your media buys.
-Can you include the media on onsite signage or promotional pieces?

Assets include more than brick and mortar:
– Do you do special events that the media can be a part of?   (Ex:  Sponsorship Spot Opportunities)
– What about promotional materials such as brochures?  (Ex: The companies Logo placement on xyz brochures)
– Does your website reach a large audience?  (Ex:  Offering Backlinking – which is a double win with SEO increase on both ends)
– What is your email database quantity?
– Whatever you are using to reach your audience, this is worth something to the media.

Once you’ve assigned a value on everything you can offer the media, it’s time negotiate!
– Offer your assets in exchange for more spots, bigger ads and extra exposure.  There are several other ways you can save your company money and get more “bang for your buck” with the money you do spend which include: On-Air Giveaways:  Media outlets love to do giveaways.
– Do you have something to offer them to give away on the air or for online contests?
– Give them something to give away, along with talking points about your business and what you offer.
– Having a deejay talk about your park may seem more credible than your spot to a consumer.

Trade:  Trading for air time is a great way to increase your schedule without paying hard costs.  However, if you trade, make sure you are trading “dollar for dollar,” meaning, you want to be able to decide when and where your traded spots are running, not ROS (run of schedule).  It would be wasteful if your traded spots ran overnight or in a time period when no one is listening or seeing your advertising.  Billboards/Sponsorships: Radio and TV stations have opportunities to “sponsor” a weather forecast or traffic update.

WINNING TIP TO SAVE YOU!  Never buy media without asking for a billboard, for no extra charge.

Third-Party Tie-ins:
  Your media reps are certain to have other clients that could benefit from associating with your business.

If you are buying media to promote an event:  Offer event inclusion to your media account reps’ other clients.  For example, one of their clients may be trying to launch a new product or service.  Let them set up a one-day product demonstration in exchange for more exposure on the radio or TV station media you are paying for.

Digital (website, email blasts, e-coupons):  All media outlets are using digital components to reach their listeners and viewers. Ask for inclusion on their next email blast. Being associated with the radio or TV’s brand is a great way to extend that loyalty to your business.

Other ways you can enhance your print media buy without spending additional dollars is to ask for: Larger ads: Since you are already committing to advertising in their publication, ask for a larger ad. If you want to run 3 ads in a publication, ask for the 12x rate. They may not give that to you, but they are probably willing to compromise by offering you the 6x rate.
Color: Ask for color even if you are buying a black and white ad. You can provide them with a black and white and color version of your ad, and if they have space on a page that is already going to be in color, they may give it to you instead of running a “house” ad, just to keep you happy and also make their publication look better. Website exposure:   Ask for exposure on their website as added-value to your print schedule, as well as inclusion on e-blasts.  Do you like the added-value ideas outlined in this article?

Don’t have time or have a person on staff dedicated to solely to marketing or advertising? Let IndiVisual Creations help you get the most out of what you plan on spending. Contact us and we’re ON it!’, ‘Getting More Exposure without Spending More'[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]