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Expensive mistake: Being cheap about marketing

The related myth is that you can rely on social media to build vitality and attract customers for free.  “Social media is not free, to do it properly takes unbelievable amounts of time, and it’ll typically take six months to a year before you’ve got even slight momentum–it’s not fast.”

If you’re not sure how much money to budget for marketing, it’s suggested to aim for 10 to 20 percent of your targeted gross revenue.  

Marketing is what we like to refer to as Image Development

  • Logo
  • Branding
  • Advertising
  • Networking
  • Writing
  • Social Media Development
  • Press Kit Creation and Professional Bio.

I recommend always using an experienced marketing professional for this work and remember when getting quotes…if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Experienced design professionals are worth their weight in gold and while it may be costly, you will save money in the long run by not having to pay someone else to “fix” what wasn’t done correctly the first time.

Costs – Marketing
Marketing is not an expense it’s an investment and it’s important to have a clear understanding on where to start investing. If you can get this, you are one step ahead.  Good marketing is critical to the success of any business.

Many companies view marketing as an expense. Truth is when a business understands the importance and the role it plays in growing a business it’s clear on why it should be considered an investment.  Marketing is crucial when it comes to gaining the attention of prospective consumers and clients, developing products or service demand and turning those prospective consumers into customers.  Marketing has an affect on your sales, pricing, promotions and your advertising strategies.  When understand the importance of marketing you can use it to promote the ongoing transition of your services and products to the consumer; this can create success in your small business.

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Social media is similar to starting a new business, and with it comes many obstacles: how to treat your customers, present yourself to the community, and effectively spread the word about what you do and what makes you different from your competitor.

Same as a new business you have to hire a friendly person to work the front counter is a good way to create a welcoming atmosphere.   Your Pages should be just as inviting.  If done correctly, you will begin to build your clients, generate a voice in a online community, and keep your fans coming back.

This might sound easy, but Social Media can be hard to maintain once you get it started.  What to post about and who to build relationships with can be tricky.  Here’s a list of tactics to use to keep your Social Media thriving:

Actively Engage with your Customers:  Don’t post only about your company.  Use interactive ways to promote your business by talking about current events going on in the community, or sharing posts made by others that will generate conversation relevant to your customer”s interests.

Measure your Success:  Track who your followers are, and make sure you are reaching out to the appropriate audience.  Having your message fall on deaf ears is not only frustrating; it’s a waste of time.

Ask for Advice from Others:  Using other people’s strategies to your advantage can really help, and most people are willing to share how they use their Social Media pages.  Getting advice will not only help you, it will let you engage and build stronger relationships in the online community.  After all, social media is a group effort.
Get into a Routine:  Make sure you stay on a schedule.  This gives your fans a time frame for when you will or will not post, which helps keeps things rolling.
At IndiVisual Creations, we provide customized Social Media Packages to fit our customers’ specific needs.